Description -
Services to support multi-media and education centers including, but not limited to: planning, analysis, troubleshooting, integration, acquisition, installation, operations, maintenance, training, documentation, and administration; professional training expertise, including instructional systems design capabilities to improve job performance of employees utilizing the learning/media center.
Examples of Potential Services:Develop technical and non-technical training materials and documentations;Analyze and assess equipment and performance degradation, including determination of hardware, software, and/or other technical changes necessary to meet operational requirements; Assist in the planning and logistics of conferences (including local, remote, tele-conferences, nationwide, and/or global), presentations, and classes;Prepare video recordings of presentations, meetings, and course topics;Provide and maintain a training environment conducive to effective training. May include facility, multimedia presentation capabilities and curriculum specific hardware and software;Maintain a centralized technical assistance service that supports problem resolution and distributes general multi-media and learning information;Provide qualified small to medium enterprises to effectively train technical and non-technical staff; andDevelop curricula.
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DoIT Strategic Planning
Total # of Master Contractors: 255